Sunday, December 28, 2008

Christmas Day!

Christmas Day is a hectic holiday. We are only allowed a few hours with the kids on Christmas, so Daniel went and got the kids super early, rushed them back to our house to open presents, then we went to Ted and Kathy's for some delicious breakfast and more presents, then to Randy and Renee's for some MORE presents and some fun looking through vintage Barbie goods and then the kids had to be rushed back home. I think they got some pretty good loot! After the morning madness, I went to my parents for about an hour, then rushed to pick up Daniel and go to the Grow family party, where of course there was more food and more presents! After that, we headed up to Rebekah's for MORE treats and family time. While it was busy, it was a good day and good to be around family. Giftwise, Daniel got a new computer and some clothes and I ordered myself a new compact digital camera (it didn't come in time for Christmas) and Danny got me some perfume and a new karaoke game. Here are a few pictures, unfortunately we didn't take many.


Aubrie said...

Sounds like you had a busy Christmas, I know how that running all over the place goes, I was so glad I didn't have to do it this year! I hope you had a great time :o)

Lacey said...

hey big thaks for the movie it was a big hit with the boys. Little Ray said they watched five times and i thought they were asleep. thanks again.