Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Holiday Cheer

Just wanted to thank the neighbor children for helping the Christmas deer population grow. Look for a fawn or 2 on our lawn in the coming months.


Aubrie said...

lol thats so funny. when i was walking up the drive i was like what is that?does that deer have two heads and then i got it... those naughty kids/anmimals ;o)

KALIE said...

Damn kids, why when I was their age I had some respect for Christmas lawn decorations. By the way...this is quite a naughty photo, I hope you have the correct business licensing for light up lawn deer porn. I might have to contact my congressman and petition that all lawn deer be deemed offensive.
Or I'll just laugh at myself...and YOU!

Gold-E said...

I'm waiting to see our lawn deer in a precarious position some night. I guess the neighbor kids are too chicken to get that close to the house since every other deer in the neighbor seem to be mating.

Erica said...

OMG that's so freakin' funny!! I actually laughed out loud!!! What a great way to celebrate!! New life!

Haa haa - so funny. I love your neighborhood kids!