Tuesday, December 2, 2008

O Christmas Tree?

I have an obsession with Christmas. Truly. I have to literally force myself not to decorate or start listening to Christmas music until the day after Thanksgiving. That's my own personal rule, since I think its crap that all the stores start pushing holidays before the previous holiday has even happened. Thanksgiving deserves its time. Now that that time is over..it's Christmasland at my house.

Usually I decorate the house with everything but the tree until a few weeks before Christmas. I have had a live tree since I was born and it is a huge symbol of Christmas for me. Daniel has been fighting me on this for the last year. He says he is always the one who waters it and carries it around and then it dies and makes a mess and blah,blah,blah. I recognize that all of those points are true. It just doesn't feel right to call something artificial a freakin' tree.

Well, then came Thanksgiving day when we were offered a really nice, great sized, FREE fake tree. (Thanks Renee and Randy!) Fast forward... I am now the proud owner of a fake Christmas tree. What I love..that I can have my tree up the day after Thanksgiving too. And I have no complaining from the watering husband. I do miss the smell and the uber full branches, but I may not turn back now.


Rachel said...

We have a scentsy candle for that.

KALIE said...

Fake trees are the only way to go. And if they're pre-lit trees you've hit the jackpot! Love your background by the way. I almost picked this one. =)

Becca and Billy said...

Yeah for fake trees!!!!

Aubrie said...

I grew up with real chirstmas trees too but I switched over to fake when I got out on my own. They are sooo much easier! And you have a christmas tree if you are ever just missing the season and need some Christmas in July! ;o)

Daniel said...

Lets hear it for fake trees...What what!

Nay said...

Still looks pretty good. I always had to prop it under one leg to keep it straight! Glad it can "live" on in your beautiful home! p.s. pre-lit is wonderful! if you can figure out a way to store it with lights on---go for it!

Gold-E said...

I want a real tree with pre-strung lights. Is that too much to ask?