Friday, July 18, 2008

I'm it!

My good friend Erica tagged me with this one and I just saw it, thought it was kinda fun, so I'm following through! Pictures of various things in my house...

#1 - Inside of the fridge

Let's see, yogurt, milk, spinach, lots of broccoli for the salad for the shower tomorrow, light everything, and a gazillion bottles of water. We drink a ton of water during the summer.. and we just happened to stock up tonight.

#2 - Kitchen sink

Daniel (the best husband ever) does the dishes. Everytime. I love him. I love no dishes. He just did them tonight.

#3 - The closet

Ok, I might have a shoe obsession. You would never know it since I never wear any of them in public, but I buy shoes constantly. The whole top shelf of the closet continues with more shoes, as does a wall unit at the back of the closet. I've been trying to cut back though and now just giving them to myself as a reward. Oh, and Daniel occupies about a foot of this closet.

#4 - The toilet

This area needs to be cleaned desperately.

#5 - Favorite shoes

It's a toss up. I love these red ones, as I bought them for myself after losing my first 20 pounds. BUT.. I love these crappy brown flip flops becasue I wear them everywhere, everyday.

#6 - Laundry pile

I try to stay on top of the laundry, but I didnt take a picture of the laundry chute. I'm not sure of the status of that.

#7 - Favorite room

I love my bedroom. It's my own quiet little sanctuary. It's no secret I love to be in my bed, either on the laptop, reading or watching tv. Also.. I love the time I get in bed with my husband. (No, not just that kind.) We have our best conversations lying in bed side by side holding hands late at night. Definitely my favorite space.

#8 - Where the kiddos are

Literally, here they are! (Josh wasn't so sure of why I was taking a picture of him.) They love to snuggle up on the couch.. I had a picture of John too, but I think you have all seen his butt crack enough. He is usually right next to them, or on the other couch.

#9 - Self Portrait

Yes, I'm wearing my retainer, and yes, I am in bed.

#10 - Where I'd rather be

Hopefully I will be there in a few weeks if my freaking passport comes.

Good times. I tag you. Becca, Rebekah, Rachel, Kati, Renee and anyone else who might want to join in.


KALIE said...

Your fridge makes me sick. It's so freakin' organized! Are you trying to compete with Harmons? Maybe you have a tetris complex?O k I'm actually lashing out because I'm jealous. It's a defense tactic.

Becca and Billy said...

Yeah I can't really tag this until I move into my house and get organized. If I took a picture of my fridge you would all laugh. Yeah for mini fridges! P.S. I love your red shoes!

TomKat said...

Are you sure you didn't organize your fridge before you did this? My fridge isn't that clean. I'll have to work on this post though.