Tuesday, January 29, 2008


So I was "tagged" again... a little something about my adorable husband.

What is his name? Daniel Louis Roos

How long have you been married? a little over a year

How long did you date? oh gosh. I like to say 4 years.

How old is he? 35.. crazy i know.

Who eats more? Daniel for sure.

Who kissed who first? I kissed him.

Who said "I Love You" first? he did.. it took me a long time to say it back.

Who is smarter? i would say I am.. but he is way smarter at everything technical.. cars, machinery, computers, etc.

Who is taller? Him by far.

Who sings better? Im going to go with me, but hes not so bad himself!

Whose temper is worse? his but he knows exactly how to push my buttons

Who is more sensitive? I would say me (my feelings get hurt easily), but there are definitely things he is more sensitive about.. like if you question anything he says or does he gets all uptight about it.

Who does the laundry? Both of us... but im the only one who will fold it.

Who does the dishes? he does.. hes pretty much the best husband ive ever had. :)

Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? well if youre looking at the bed, i do.

Who pays the bills? I do

Who cooks dinner? We like to switch it up. Recently its just been me.

Who drives when you are together? I do unless I'm feeling lazy.

Who is more stubborn? He is. I'm told its a Roos thing.

Who's parents do you see the most? Ha ha.. his.

Who proposed? He did.. and it was very cute and very special!

Who has more friends? I do.

Who has more siblings? He does, but only by one. He has 6, I have 5.

Who wears the pants in the family? hmm.. thats a tough one. He says i do but he is so stubborn he always gets his way, so i think he really does.

Ok, so now I tag everyone who reads this blog. Renee, Rachel, Rebekah, Kalie, sometimes Becca. (Becca hes not quite your husband but pretty much.. you can just pretend youre already married) :)


TomKat said...

The getting uptight and defensive when you question what he does and why...that is a Roos thing as well...gotta love us.

Daniel said...

I resemble those remarks!

Becca and Billy said...

Your cafe rio cooking is the BEST!!!! Daniel is lucky, hee hee!