Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Garden Update

Just a little update on the status of my garden. It didnt actually come together as I had planned...but there is a garden with bounty to be had. A few items planted didn't make it, but the ones that did have been thriving...especially the weed people call cucumbers. Those suckers are trying to take over my whole garden, but thats ok cause there are people around me who eat them and thats all that matters (I'm not one of them). The tomatoes have really started to go crazy over the last few weeks. There aren't any ready to eat at the moment, but there are tons on the vines growing. I forgot that I planted bell peppers and they are coming up nicely as are the jalapeno's. I have about 50 carrots growing and 1 onion (yes, one lonely onion) I have about 3 zucchini plants that are doing well and about 10 yellow squash plants going nuts. Also have a few canteloupes that are growing...one in particular that is coming along very nice. All in all, if I had to grade my garden I would give it a "C". I would do a lot of things differently next time as far as where I would plant certain items and how many and such, but I have learned a lot from this years harvest that I can use for next year.

1 comment:

Gold-E said...

Little Red Hen here, happy to partake of the fruit of you labor. Feel free to pass along any squash, cucs, onion...oh wait, you're going to need that one onion for your one bowl of salsa.