Saturday, June 28, 2008


As if growing this crap isn't hard I have to figure out the birds. First they eat my first rapberry, NOW they are eating my romaine lettuce. What do I need to do to have some fresh lettuce from my garden...hire a full time garden guard(Dookie is obviously not doing his job)

The first Raspberry know summer is here when the raspberries are turning red. The first raspberry is always the best of them tasty...this one single raspberry I have been waiting for all winter long. None of the others matter as much as this one and I'M going to eat it! Ill let you know just how delicious it is once it is ripe and I eat it.

This Just in.....
The lone raspberry was eaten by a bird. Summer is cancelled and now I need medication to cope with life.

Just kidding...Well...not about the stupid bird...but I have tons of raspberries and they are all equally delicious.

I'M going to Mexico...

...But I dont know about Elizabeth.
If she gets her Passport anywhere near as fast as I got mine, she will be fine.

Friday, June 20, 2008

So why can't I join my people?

*Note: This entry may sound bitter, angry or racist. It is not intended to convey such feelings. I love everyone.

Apparently, I am illegal. It's true. Daniel and I went to finally get our passports yesterday. We had to wait to get my new drivers license, had to wait until we had money to pay for them, then Daniel spent hours getting our stupid pictures to the correct specifications, per the passport page on the official government travel website. Well, we tried.

First off, the lady at the office said our pictures weren't on the right paper. Online, it just said it had to be on photo paper (which it was) but lovely hope-crusher lady said it had to be on PASSPORT photo paper. Thanks, government website. So we had to get new ones taken at the office, which is what Daniel wasted hours of his life doing our own pictures for, to avoid paying to have the same ones taken. Then, we go back up to the counter where my new best friend noticed my birth certificate and says it won't work.

Why, you might ask? ITS NOT LEGAL. It's apparently an abstract of birth, which is not a real birth certificate. It was thought up by some guy named Juan who needed to help his cousins. A few counties in California and Texas started handing these bad boys out to people coming over the border, but also gave them to legal babies being born in those counties. I was a lucky one. Maddeningly enough, it's legal enough to give me a social security number, a drivers license, a marriage certificate, a new social security card, a new drivers license and allow me to pay an absurd amount of my hard-earned money to taxes, but not freaking legal enough to grant me a passport.

So now what do I do? I have to get a Certificate of Identity notarized here, then send it to California (with a $17 fee of course), where within 15-20 business days they will send me a birth certificate (HOPEFULLY the right one). Then, I have to go apply for the passport, send that out (with a $100 fee of course), and hope it gets back in time for me to sit in the airplane seat I purchased months ago and fly my legal ass to Mexico. I don't know how much hope to give this, but I will hold on to what I've got. The lovely frizzy-haired lady who denied my passport application said that it has only been taking 2 weeks average for people to get their passports recently. Well, as I wait my 15-20 business days, I will wait and see if Daniel gets his in a reasonable time. We have 11 weeks from today.. let's see how this goes.

Until then, you can call me Rosario.

Monday, June 2, 2008

Patio Time

Having a yard is nice...Having a yard with a Patio is nicer....having a yard with Patio furniture...well...thats a beautiful thing (at least that's what my wife tells me). And since she feels this way, she requested, and we purchased, a patio set for her birthday even though it was a couple weeks early.
I'm pretty sure she just wants a place to sit when I work on the yard and that's OK because every day I look at my garden...there are 50 new weeds trying to come up so I need to spend every day keeping up with them or I wont know what is supposed to be there and what is a weed.