So, some of you know that the life of Dookie has gotten bleak. We noticed that he had gotten pretty skinny, and I kept telling Daniel that, but he kept saying it was just him losing his winter coat. Well, I was saying the other day that he has gotten way too skinny because you can see his hip bones. Daniel then noticed, and also noticed he hadn't seen Dookie eat in awhile. We took him to the vet on Monday, where they kept him overnight giving him fluids and waiting for blood test results. Tuesday morning they told Daniel that it all pointed to kidney failure and that there was nothing we could do at that point. So, all day Tuesday, Daniel and I mentally (and emotionally) prepared to have him put to sleep. Then, Tuesday evening, the vet said he had eaten, which was a big change, so we should take him home and see if he keeps eating. So now we are pretty much just watching and waiting, hoping for a miraculous comeback. We sure love the little guy, so everyone say some kitty prayers for him!
Here he is tonight, battle scarred from the night at the vet (shaved/pierced neck and bandaged little paw):